Our platform centralizes station communication and show asset delivery.
Launch your syndication website painlessly — complete with CMS, CRM, and Email Management Systems.
Promote each show with their own landing page and an easy form to contact you for promotion, distribution, or sales.
Quickly view and manage station access for each show. List all stations (organized by ranking and market) along with their affiliated members.
Import your Clearance List for batch station approval!
Store and organize show assets and documents in one place. Control station-access to shows, upload huge files, and schedule ahead-of-time when files can be available! We offer shared and enterprise hosting solutions.
Stations may navigate and locate files with ease, saving them time and effort.
Easily generate and customize email templates for each show.
Target the stations that carry and subscribe to your shows, and alert them automatically when new files are ready for download.
Stations administer their own profiles, station information, and show listing data.
With the click of a button, each show may feature dynamic, auto-generated Where To Watch listings.
Gain access to first-rate support from people that care about the success of your company and are dedicated to seeing it grow.
Years In Use
Station Members
TVToolkit was conceived in 2005 by Camille Alcasid and Sandra Jimenez in response to the specific needs of their television syndication clients. The application enables remote staff to coordinate and share files with stations in a more efficient manner as a complete end-to-end enterprise solution — from the server hosting, security, database architecture, large-file processing, messaging, forms, microsites, social media, and everything else relating to the web.
The power, tech-enterpreneur duo also co-founded Westside Websites, a 20+ year old tech agency in Los Angeles, Crewvie, a tech startup for the entertainment and media workforce community, and ADME AI, a machine-learning application for the video and image recognition.